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Mykel Larrin Travels to Tulsa for Youth BMX Clinic

Kevin Garczynski

Mongoose BMX pro Mykel Larrin recently put on a BMX clinic at the state-of-the-art Gathering Place recreational park in Tulsa, OK.  Mykel rode the new bike park and met with young fans and families to get them stoked about BMX. One of the event highlights was when a lucky young man named Mason won a new Mongoose Axios Pro and a helmet.  Event organizers knew the bike was a perfect match when he did his first lap – Mason even hit the ramp and caught some air!

Thanks to our partners at USA BMX, USA BMX Foundation, and USA BMX Freestyle, and to the Gathering Place for being such gracious hosts!

Mykel Larrin BMX Clinic at Gathering Place Tulsa, OK
Mykel Larrin BMX Clinic at Gathering Place Tulsa, OK
Mykel Larrin BMX Clinic at Gathering Place Tulsa, OK
Mykel Larrin BMX clinic at the Gathering Place
Mykel Larrin BMX Clinic Gathering Place
Mykel Larrin BMX Clinic Gathering Place
BMX Mykel Larrin