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Mongoose Welcomes Matty Cranmer Aboard in 2023!

Kevin Garczynski

Mongoose is thrilled to partner with BMX pro and all-around amazing bike rider Matty Cranmer in 2023!  Matty and his brother BMX legend Scotty Cranmer are two of the most popular figures in the sport and have inspired countless fans with their riding and entertaining videos over the years, so we're proud that Matty will be continuing his cycling journey on a Mongoose (many of them actually)! 

Matty will be riding all things Mongoose whether it’s the La Familia frame at a BMX contest, the Fireball at his local dirt trails, the Guide at gravel races and any other bike he needs for all the other crazy bike inspired ideas that he has!  Follow Matty on Instagram @mattycranmer and subscribe to Scotty's YouTube channel for updates and content, and make sure to give him a warm welcome to Mongoose! 

BMX Matty Cranmer MTB